Melodie in Costume
The Charlie Romo Experience with guest Kea Chan singing Unforgettable
Cast member of Whatever Gets You Through the Day
Fresh out of James Madison University-musical theatre program, Lily has her first job in ensemble of My Fiar Lady at the Riverside Theater in Vero Beach, FL
In this soirée, Adrienne Haan focuses on the history of the works of Kurt Weill and brings to life his most beloved songs. She begins his story in Berlin during the 1920s & 30s with his famous works of the Weimar years; then on to the time he spent in exile in Paris highlighting some of his lesser known, but glorious French oeuvres. Haan’s witty and entertaining presentation also includes his 1940s American successes. This program is a musical voyage that portrays his songs in their original character & language, all featured in special arrangements crafted for her under the musical direction of Richard Danley on piano and supported by Dan Levin...
Visit Adreinne's website:
Suzanna Bowling
Kea Chan
Charlie Romo
Robert Williams
with Music Director Jeff Harris
and Special Guest Accompianist
Bobby DeLeon
Monday, March 11, 2019
Hudson Guild Theater
441 West 26th Street
(Between Ninth & Tenth Avenues)
New York, New York
One of our favorite clients, KELLI GAUTREAU (Actress/Performer/Choreographer/Filmmaker) played the role of Danny Who in this delightful show for the family!
Played its annual tour during the holiday period of Nov-Dec, 2018!
Listen to Violet sing a partial selection from Miss Saigon. Violet lives in Madison, Wisconsin.
Sings I Like the Likes of You in Broadway Ballyhoo produced by Scott Siegel
Next performances are on Jan 3 & 4 at 7:30pm at Westport Country Playhouse
Review of August 22, 2024 at same venue - Westport Country Playhouse, CT
From Bonnie Goldberg, Connecticut Critics Circle
What might it be like to learn how to curse from a pro, a famous movie star no less, one who has invited herself to move into your family’s home without actually stepping on a welcome mat. If your name is Chris Fuller, you know exactly how it felt t you lived it, four letter words and all. And to think you were only four years old at the time.......